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lib dem造句

"lib dem"是什么意思  
  • The 2002, replacing the previous Lib Dem-Tory coalition.
  • I thought the Lib Dem colour was orange rather than yellow.
  • This replaced the previous SNP-Lib Dem coalition administration.
  • Murray remained a silent Lib Dem member until 2005.
  • He was Lib Dem Blogger of the Year 2013.
  • In 2008, Browne became Lib Dem Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
  • Murray was elected President of his University Students Union as an avowed Lib Dem.
  • She is a former Lib Dem administration of the 2000 2003 Welsh Assembly Government.
  • In May 2011 he was considered a contender for the Bristol Lib Dem leadership.
  • The decision had a significant impact on perceptions of the Lib Dem party among students.
  • It's difficult to see lib dem in a sentence. 用lib dem造句挺难的
  • Do any clubs attract disproportionate numbers of Labour, Tory, or Lib Dem voters?
  • Lib Dem peer Lord McNally said.
  • These areas have Conservative MPs, except South Lakeland has a Lib Dem and Labour MPs.
  • The Lib Dem Member also lost, to a Residents ( ex-Labour ) candidate.
  • The vast majority of the UK this morning is without Lib Dem representation at any level.
  • A Lib Dem councillor commented that " Brian Coleman is like a child with a favourite toy.
  • In September 2009 the report was adopted by the Lib Dem party conference as official party policy.
  • This replaced the previous Conservative-Lib Dem-Independent coalition which existed from 2007-2012.
  • Then Lib Dem Leader Charles Kennedy said that the party would remain an " independent political force ".
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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